Port Isabel and South Padre Island Texas webmaster@lagunamadreyachtclub.org

Boat America Safety Class

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary and Laguna Madre Yacht Club will be offering the “Boat America” safety class to boaters 13 years and older, on Saturday, May 18 2024, from 08:00 AM till 5:00 PM at the Laguna Madre Yacht Club Clubhouse, 502 South Point Drive in Port Isabel. Lunch provided.

Instructors will present material from the USCG and Texas Parks and Wildlife courses. The Fee of $60.00 covers both certificates. Register now by calling 956-279-6249. Bring a laptop or smartphone for your TPWD registration.


Additional Information:

LMYC TPWD Boat Texas Flyer     LMYC AUX Boat American Flyer

Primary race routes to be announced Monday of each week before the race.
VHF Check-In on Channel 68 before race starts.