Port Isabel and South Padre Island Texas webmaster@lagunamadreyachtclub.org

    Upcoming Events

    8/23  Coffee Social

    8/31   Port Mansfield Regatta

    9/14   Social Dinner

    9/28   Grand Pre / Man Overboard (rescheduled for 1st half of October)


    Important Numbers

    US Coast Guard (956) 761-2373
    VHF CH 16/9
    US Dept. of Homeland Security (210) 321-2800
    (956) 548-2515
    USCG AWW (877) 24WATCH
    US Customs & Border Patrol (800) BEALERT 
    Port Isabel Police Dept. (956) 943-2727
    Port Isabel Fire Dept. (956) 943-7826
    Navigation District Office (956) 943-7826
    South Point Marina (956) 943-7926
    Long Island Wing Bridge (956) 943-1622
    VHF CH 12
    Tow Boat US Port Isabel (956) 371-1693
    VHF CH 16
    Primary race routes to be announced Monday of each week before the race.
    VHF Check-In on Channel 68 before race starts.